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F-L-Y Tour
F-L-Y Tour
F-L-Y Tour
F-L-Y Tour
Few of ours tours

The wellness:

Abano Terme: In search of Lost time
A trip through the history of one of the most beautiful italian cities. A famous thermal center where you can enjoy spa and relax.

Chianciano Terme: where the true Tuscany shows it-self.
One of the most beautiful land in the world encounter the spa for a wonderful trip.

The pilgrim of the 21st century:

Umbria: Land of religion.
An unusual trip in the green Umbria in search of the villages that have witness the birth of few of the most loved religious figures. Norcia and Saint Bendedetto, Assisi and Saint Francesco, Cascia and Saint Rita.

San Francesco in Lazio: walking with San Francesco in villages where even today you have the impression to smell the perfume of religion and mysticism.

The gourmet routes:

Tuscan Countryside: Delicious wine and food
A trip in search of lost taste. Moving with a farm tractor and taste wine, home made pasta, fresh eggs. A picnic under the olive trees. Houses and farm where you can find the grandmother cooking.

South of Salerno: the birthplace of the Mediterranean cooking.
A land rich of culture, where the guest is a king. Vegetables, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pizza and more.



F-L-Y Tour
F-L-Y Tour
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  Infoline +39.0578.60291  
  © F-L-Y Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l. - 53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena - Italy ) - Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192 - Tel. +39 0578.60291 - Fax +39 0578.891019 -
Dati Aziendali

Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l.


Sede Legale:
Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192
53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena) Italy

Registro delle Imprese di Siena N.128919

Capitale Sociale € 10000,00

P.I. 01206170522

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