Congress Services - Tour Incentive - Tourism Marketing  
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F-L-Y Tour & Congress   Il tuo partner ideale a 360°

F.L.Y. Tour & Congress srl and its international team of professionals with a wide range of experience in communications and tourism marketing create FLY Consulting in 2008, a branch company dedicated exclusively to promote its partner.

The "mission" of FLY Consulting is to organize Hotel marketing in the entire field of the hotel business proposal: from the meeting to the incentive, from the leisure to the business travels.

FLY Consulting makes use of the big experience of its manager: Franco Lazzari, that for over 25 years worked in the hotel promotion and marketing business for big groups and since 2004 he's also the general manager of FLY Tour and Congress, travel agency specialized in incentives and congresses.

FLY Consulting integrates hotels' offer whit focused promotional campaigns, vis-à-vis contacts, market research, guerrilla marketing.

F-L-Y Tour F-L-Y Tour F-L-Y Tour F-L-Y Tour
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
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  Info +39. 0578.60291  
  © F-L-Y Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l. - 53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena - Italy ) - Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192 - Tel. +39 0578.60291 - Fax +39 0578.891019 -
Dati Aziendali

Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l.


Sede Legale:
Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192
53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena) Italy

Registro delle Imprese di Siena N.128919

Capitale Sociale € 10000,00

P.I. 01206170522

  organizzazione meeting - travel event - team event - corporate event - promotion marketing - evento aziendale - tour incentive - viaggio incentive - adventure team incentive - evento incentive  