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F-L-Y Tour & Congress   Il tuo partner ideale a 360°

Do you fancy an healthy holiday, trying the new wellness method?

Ask us where…our Hotels have everything that you will looking for

Would you like to relax yourself between the most beautiful Italian beaches ?

A week end with Italian traditional dishes.

An Italian tour between art, sport and culture ?

Do you wish to make real one of your dreams ? We Could do it for you…

F-L-Y Tourism Marketing F-L-Y Tourism Marketing F-L-Y Tourism Marketing F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
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  Info +39.0578.60291  
  © F-L-Y Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l. - 53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena - Italy ) - Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192 - Tel. +39 0578.60291 - Fax +39 0578.891019 -
Dati Aziendali

Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l.


Sede Legale:
Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192
53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena) Italy

Registro delle Imprese di Siena N.128919

Capitale Sociale € 10000,00

P.I. 01206170522

  organizzazione meeting - travel event - team event - corporate event - promotion marketing - evento aziendale - tour incentive - viaggio incentive - adventure team incentive - evento incentive  